Return/Exchange and Refund Policy takes customer satisfaction very seriously. We dedicate more than adequate time and effort to ensure that high quality products and services are provided.
If you experience any problems with your order, please contact us via our email within 24 hours of receipt. Please state your order number, attach a picture of the product/s and reason for return/exchange in the email and we will get back to you within 1-2 business days. We will notify you of the next steps and arrange a collection of the return or a reshipment of the order as relevant.
To be eligible for a return/exchange, you must send us back the product for inspection so we can do a proper analysis. It must also be in the original packaging and not be used. Send your item(s) to, Office 4204, Platinum Tower, Cluster I, JLT, United Arab Emirates.
Once we receive your returns, one of our customer care representatives will contact you to confirm the refund or exchange request.
In appropriate cases, if you have already been billed by OMillionaire.Shop, we will issue full or partial refunds accordingly. For instance, if you received an incorrect order or did not receive your expected package completely, you may be subject to full refund. However, if your order is missing, we may only issue a partial refund, especially since we reserved our right to be amenable for third-party errors or inaccurate details provided by the user under our Terms and Conditions, with which the user agreed upon accessing the website and its services. Still, we always do our best to ensure your satisfaction in any event; expect cooperation from us.
Do note that refunds will be done only through the original mode of payment utilized to purchase the product or service. The customer refund procedure might take up to 7-10 working days to process if the payment method is via debit/credit cards. All third-party payment getaways may be subject to unforeseen delays, about which cannot be held accountable. Nonetheless, we will provide assistance and support services as needed within our abilities.
For further information, you may also contact us on the given numbers below:
For Delivery Tracking: +971 58 251 8644
For Additional Product Details: +971 58 251 8644